Tuesday, 31 March 2015
My Camp Recount/Before camp
W.A.L.T:Make connections across a wide range of texts.
Today I have visited a friends blog named DJ.
He write some paragraphs about the year 5 and 6 Camp about where they went and how fun it was.I got really excited when he talked about the Mangere pools and kayaking,I couldn't wait.But my favourite part he talked about was cooking fritters with Miss Tito and having balloon fights.An I got hungry when he talked about the american hot dogs, chocolate drinks and chopsuey with dessert.
Description:Today we had to visit a friends blog and write about camp.I can't wait for camp.HOORAY
Monday, 30 March 2015
My Opinions about rocket bottles
W.A.L.T:Know that other people might take a different judgement from the same information.
Description:Today we had to answer and think about if people liked bottle rockets.I am one of the persons who don't like it because I just think it's boring.
Description:Today we had to answer and think about if people liked bottle rockets.I am one of the persons who don't like it because I just think it's boring.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
My camp recount
Walt: Organise my ideas into paragraphs and link them together.
Have you ever been to a year 5 and 6 camp?
If you're saying no,”I hope that you get to one day” We even done our own group dance on a Thursday night..
Did you know that we wake up at 6:50 and do some jump jam.An at camp we sleep in tents well our parent helpers make sure were safe.But what I loved about camp is when the parent helpers make the nice food, it’s so delicious.I can’t wait for the next time I go camp
My favourite highlight was the mangere pools. But what I loved the most was the bombing pools, we all did what we wanted to do, back flips front flips coffins and all kinds of stuff. I got so excited when it opened but the line was so long that I didn't want to wait, so I only went on about four times and then I went into the normal pools.
My second favourite highlight was killer-zone, when we played we won. But what I liked about it was the water bomb fight. We had gotten a packet of water balloons and separated them into 5 groups, we all got twenty five each but most of us only filled twenty because we couldn't tie any, because they broke on the tap and because we dropped some. After we finished we all got chilled as we through the balloons at each other, we had so much fun.
Description:We had to write a recount about our year 5/6 camp.We had to write five paragraphs,introduction,two of our favourite highlights and a conclusion.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
Auckland Maritime Museum
On Wednesday the year five, six, seven and eight extension classes had gone to the Auckland Maritime Museum.We had done sorts of activities and we all had a blast!
We had been on a tour on the Waka Hikianalia. First we had to put on a life jacket and hop on to the waka. We went and seen what the kitchen was like. We all thought we could fit each other in but then when we seen it you could only fit about one so we all just had a look.
When we finished looking at the kitchen we had a look we're the beds were when we went down the ladder to the beds, we had got on the bunk beds and tried to all squeeze in, when you got on the top on the bunk beds you couldn't even sit up all you could feel was the ceiling so I thought you would have to goto bed straight away not sit up.
After we got out of their we checked the toilets some people said that’s small and the others said ououououou yuck! When I saw it it looked dirty but it was ok. I went to have a look at where you paddle the boat me and couple others had a little stir, then we had to come off the waka and let the other groups have a turn.
After we had finished learning about the Waka we had done an activity of the Star Compass-traditional navigations.We learnt about the South, North, West and East and south east west and north.Well we learnt all of the names we had to do a dance about it.
Then we got taught about the peace flag and that they travel to different countries.They are messages of Support and hope.After he had finished talking to us we had drawn our own of what NZ means to us or all sorts of things.I had drawn what I desire and the Pt England fantail thats on our uniform.When we finished we hanged it up on a line and went to sit down to learn what the name of the type of quilt it was,then he told us that it is called material-sewn-quilt.
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
My River talk's
W.A.L.T:Write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation.
Last Thursday we went to our brown stinky ugly garbage creek. Back in the days people use to swim in it but now it is like a toilet in the wild that never got flushed.So can you help us keep the creek nice and tidy?

Description:Today we had to write about what we are trying to do to help the creek and keep it nice and tidy.We had to use a short sentence complex sentence and a sentence with a question.
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